Turning Pups
Premiere Working Dogs​
our story
Guides choice retrievers (GCR)
Guides Choice Retrievers primarily serves two categories of clients: professional guides and serious hunters. As a former waterfowl guide of 17 years (14 years full-time, 3 years part-time), owner Kyle Fagler understands exactly what a hunter needs in the field and has the experience to train dogs from basic obedience mastery to advanced gun dog skill. GCR takes the responsibility of the dogs in its care seriously and treats each dog like family. Owner Kyle, his daughter, and staff spend time each day with the dogs—providing attention and interaction even when not training.

Kennel, board and training:
Live bird fees are additional but will be charged to your account only after prior discussion—we are open and transparent about the costs of training.
November 1-March 1
Each dog trained by the GCR Winter Program will experience basic obedience training, collar conditioning, and force fetch. After mastery of these areas, we begin marking singles and introduce each dog to gun fire.
April 1-October 31
The GCR Summer Program works to advance each dog in the Summer Program to mastery of our gun dog system. Basic obedience, collar conditioning, and force fetch will be solidified if necessary. By the conclusion of this program, you can expect to have an exceptional companion in the field for hunting season.

GCR Facility
We take great pride in our facility because we value your dog as much as you do. As an all-seasons building, it is both heated in the winter and insulated to keep cool in summer temperatures. Our limited kennel space (18 dogs at full capacity) is by design; this allows us to appropriately focus on each dog in our care. In addition to our Winter and Summer Programs, GCR seasonally maintains a limited number of outdoor runs for dogs visiting us for “refresher” training.
Maxwell Westheimer
"Kyle's dedication to the dogs is unmatched, which is why the success of his training is almost guaranteed and why I recommend GCR and his program."
Alex Nouri
"Besides being beyond happy with the dog I picked up from GCR, I really think his constant updates and videos of RO made me feel at ease for anyone on the fence about sending their dog away."
3848 Antelope Meadows
Burns, Wyoming 82053